Divine Patience

Today, a reflection on… patience.

This beautiful virtue is at the heart of a peaceful life; a life of gentleness, kindness and grace.

We live in a world in which there is a harshness, a rushingness and a pushingness.

There is a vibration of a forcefulness.

Yet, as we look outside; as we watch a plant grow, as we witness the sun rise steadily and calmly each day, as we notice the moon glowing in silence — we can understand the value of gentleness and patience.

It is in that deep silence and patience that we can really know ourselves and the Divine.

If we push too hard, we will break. A little bit of pressure is good, but not so much.

As we adopt patience in our lives, the virtues of peace and happiness are naturally with us.

Patience brings a coolness that is divine and sweet.

There is a trust in a Power greater than ourselves, a Divine Presence, that knows.

With patience, we begin to trust in life’s timing, and see the gift in each and every unfolding.

As the saying goes, “All good things come to those who wait.”

And a beautiful quote from the Course in Miracles: “Only infinite patience brings immediate results.”

So let us all embrace the gift of patience this month, and beyond.

The pace of winter (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere) invites us to slow down, turn inwards and tune in with what really matters.

A blessing for you: May you be enveloped in divine patience, and so peace, calm and love.

With love,

Bhushan Pandit